Ministry Video
My Calling
I was called to preach in December of 2013. God burdened my heart with the desire to preach, and I felt that I could not be happy unless I yielded to His desire. I went to Bible college with a strong desire to make a difference for Christ in another country. In junior year I prayed earnestly that God would lead us to the people that He would want us to reach. We were willing to go wherever God would want us to go. I still don't understand it, but it seemed as if everything that year revolved around the small land of South Korea. I ignored it at first, but through time saw that it was God's will.
Our goal is to go to South Korea where we will involve ourselves in a local native church while we attend language school. Afterwards, we plan to join with a native pastor to plant a church where people can learn the gospel and grow in Christ. We will faithfully grow the church through soulwinning and discipleship programs until God leads us to plant another church elsewhere.
We are committed to going to South Korea as missionaries, but most importantly as God's servants. Whatever God leads us to do is what we plan to do. We are excited to see what God writes in the pages of our life's story in the near future.
Statement of Faith
We believe that the Scripture is the perfect, inerrant, and preserved Word of God. It has and will endure for every generation as the guide and lawbook for all life. Though written by men, it was authored by God and is the best way for anyone to know God. We believe that the King James Bible is the perfect Word for the English-speaking people and it is the only version that we read and use.
We believe that God is a trinity comprised of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Each person has a different function and purpose while still being one singular God. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, loving, and just.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born to the virgin Mary yet conceived by the Holy Ghost. He lived without sin and paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross of Calvary being buried in the borrowed tomb and rising again alive on the third day to offer us salvation from all sin. He then ascended up to Heaven with the promise to someday come again for His children.
We believe that man is saved by grace through faith without the addition of works. Every man is naturally a sinner that is judged by God as requiring judgement in Hell for all eternity. It is only by accepting the free gift of salvation that Jesus offered by His death, burial, and resurrection that anyone can ever escape eternal damnation and live with Him in Heaven for all eternity.
We believe that the church is a called-out assembly of believers with the purpose of reaching the lost with the gospel, training them up in the truth of the Word of God, discipling them to be stewards and servants in the work of the Lord, and preaching against sin and wickedness. It is the greatest source of light to the world and the proper place for a Christian to grow and serve in.
Second Coming
We believe that Jesus ascended into Heaven with the promise to come again for His children to take them to Heaven with Him. It is the next event on Christ’s timeline and will happen instantaneously. All who are left behind will experience the Tribulation and only those who have never heard the gospel will then have the chance to be saved.
Positional Statement
We reject all forms of modernism, liberalism, neo-evangelicalism, hyper-dispensationalism, the charismatic movement, Calvinism, etc… We interpret the Bible as a book of literal event with literal people and literal commands that cannot be twisted to the form of culture or taste.
Basic Contact Information
Sending Church
Pastor Jonathan Roberson, First Baptist Church, 220 Illini Drive, Clinton, IL 61727
Office: (217) 935-2032
Mission Board
Director Scott Caudill, Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc., 4418 Highway 332, Hoschton, GA 30548
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519, Braselton, GA 30517
Missionary Support #411
Personal Info
Anniversary: June 12, 2020
Brian - 10/21
Kaitlyn - 8/12
Nathan - 1/14
Logan - 4/26
Contact Us:
delaneys2korea@gmail.com or 309-838-1094